Instructional Overview
In the North Mason School District, we strive to provide instruction that is in line with research-based best practice, is both rigorous and engaging, and that provides multiple opportunities for differentiation.
The district has adopted the Charlotte Danielson Framework for Teaching to help guide instruction. Click here to see the Instructional Framework model.
An important component of our instructional program is a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum. The Guaranteed component of this curriculum is the content that instructional administrators and teacher leaders have determined is imperative to teach to all our students in the core academic areas. All children have the opportunity to learn this defined curriculum. The Viable component means that we have allocated the necessary time to teach the Guaranteed curriculum. Bob Marzano (2003), an education researcher, writes that a Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum is the top factor at the school level that influences student achievement.
Click here to view the Instructional Materials Adoption Cycle prepared by district leadership. This cycle is a long-term, supportable curriculum review cycle.